Thursday, May 19, 2016

Cassius the Deceitful

March 1

My plan is moving along quite nicely. The only thing the conspirators and I need now is Marcus Brutus. Having someone close to Caesar bring him down would be the perfect way to bring about Caesar’s demise. Who would think that his Caesar’s closest friend would be the cause of Caesar’s downfall? I have outdone myself this time. That isn’t much of a surprise since I am Caius Cassius after all. What makes my plan even better is that Brutus has no clue what I am doing. All Brutus cares about is what is best for the public and the safety of Rome. Blah blah blah. I’ll go along with whatever he says for now since he is a crucial part of my plan to get rid of Caesar once and for all. “Three parts of him is ours already, and the man entire upon the next encounter yields him ours” (Act I, Scene III, 159-161). During our next meeting, I need to flatter him a tad more before he is mine. To be completely honest, Brutus is just as blind as the public. Brutus is oblivious of what my plan is; I guess I should thank his gullibility for that. Seriously, he will believe anything you tell him. It’s quite sad actually.

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